
The goal of The Mirror & the Lamp is to document the lives and experiences of those involved with the English Department here at Western Illinois University. Our creative non-fiction writing style highlights the individuality of our authors, setting The Mirror and the Lamp apart from the strictly journalistic style of Western’s student-run newspaper, the Western Courierand the focus on creative works in Western’s literary magazine, Elements. See our WIU webpage: The Mirror and the Lamp

Current Staff


Managing Editor: Natoya Raymond

Undergraduate Editor: Carter Myers

Undergraduate Editor:  Nick Rush

Undergraduate Writer: Ajayla Ries-Ennells

Undergraduate Writer: Taylor Holan

The Mirror & the Lamp Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Banash


Managing Editor: Peter Hostert

Undergraduate Writer: Blake Murdock

Undergraduate Writer: Robert Davis

Undergraduate Writer: Mathew Gedraitis

Undergraduate Writer: Natoya Raymond

The Mirror & the Lamp Faculty Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash

Past Staff:


Executive Managing Editor: Maureen Sullivan

Cover Image: Maureen Sullivan

Sigma Tau Delta Faculty Adviser: Dr Tim Helwig

The Mirror & the Lamp Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Executive Managing Editor: Maureen Editor

Cover Image: A.J. Rocca

Undergraduate Editor: Courtney Bender

Sigma Tau Delta Faculty Adviser: Dr Tim Helwig

The Mirror & the Lamp Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Executive Managing Editor: Courtney Bender (ce-bender@wiu.edu)

Undergraduate Editors: Emma Dayhoff, Alexander Lounsberry, Connor Sullivan, Brendon Kepple, Dylan Rathnan

Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Executive Managing Editor: Emily-Bryce Swain (eb-swain@wiu.edu)

Undergraduate Editors: Courtney Bender, Janay Conley, Brittney Douglas, Aubrey Foust, Matt Thrush, Tess Tyler

Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Executive Managing Editor: Rebecca Gonner

Managing Editor: Emily Bryce Swain

Graduate Editor: Kate Kellner

Graduate Editor: Jon Naskrent

Undergraduate Editor: Janay Conley

Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Managing Editor: Rebecca Gonner

Layout Editor: Chelsea Brotherton

Graduate Editor: Kate Kellner

Undergraduate Editor: Jared Worely

Undergraduate Editor: Justin Kim

Undergraduate Editor: Molly Hall

Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Managing Editor: Rebecca Gonner

Graduate Editor: Abigail Tichler

Graduate Editor: Chelsea Brotherton

Undergraduate Editor: Kim Ackers

Quad Cities Editor: Kasi DeFrieze

Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash


Managing Editor: Brittany Petrillo

Graduate Editor: Abigail Tichler

Undergraduate Editor: Abbie McKinney

Undergraduate Editor: Heather Thrapp

Quad Cities Editor: Leann Weiss

Faculty Adviser: Dr. David Banash