Author Archive

Bookish Traveling: Twice Lost


I’m sitting in a cafe in Wisconsin munching on an apple cider donut. It’s raining outside, and in my lap sits a pile of new and old books wrapped in crinkly paper. Across… Continue reading

The Best Places to Sleep in Simpkins (Meet the Editors Part 1)


English majors and minors alike both know that Simpkins is not just a building, it’s a home. Oftentimes that home is freezing cold or rumored to be haunted, but it is also a… Continue reading

The Art of the Handwritten Letter


I’m lying in a well-stained cot in ninety-degree heat while allowing a small child to draw Pokemon on my leg in black Sharpie. Around me, I hear the whispers of little girls as… Continue reading

Dinner and Conversation: Edgar Allan


By: Emily Bryce Swain There are two things in this world that can send me hurtling back into my emo teenage years: My Chemical Romance and Edgar Allan Poe. Suffice it to say,… Continue reading

Presenting at the EGO Conference


By Emily Bryce Swain Staring in the mirror, I quickly realized how dorky my former choir concert clothes from high school looked on my twenty-year-old frame. Unearthed from the back of my closet,… Continue reading